Terms & Conditions
Edward Hopper House Open Call Members Exhibit 2025
AGREEMENT Spring OPEN CALL Artist Members Exhibition (May 14 - June 8, 2025)
| Edward Hopper House Museum & Study Center is pleased to offer an OPEN CALL Members Exhibition for current Artist Members.
The Spring show will showcase 50 Artist Members in the main gallery at Edward Hopper House Museum.
Providing exhibition opportunities to our Artist members is one of the ways the Edward Hopper House cultivates a community of learning and appreciation of the arts inspired by Hopper’s enduring local, national, and global legacy.
Please read over all registration materials carefully.
Monday, February 24 (5p): Online Registration Opens
Friday, April 18 (11:59p): Online Registration Deadline
Exhibition: May 14 - June 8, 2025
Mon-Tues, May 12 -13 (10:00a-4:00p) Thurs, May 15 (5:00-6:30p) Sun, June 8 (Noon-5p) Mon-Tues, June 9 -10 (10:00a-4:00p)
| Drop-Off Artwork
Opening Reception
Exhibition Last Day
Pick-Up Artwork
Show Hours: During the Members Exhibition, the Edward Hopper House Museum will be viewable during Open Hours: Wednesday to Friday (1-5) and Saturday and Sunday (12-5).
Tickets: Exhibiting artists will be given five (5) complimentary admission tickets. Museum Admission on Wednesdays to Fridays will be discounted 50% for Juried Exhibition visits only (no Edward Hopper House tours). Members always receive FREE admission. Admission tickets are booked online, edwardhopperhouse.org
Sales: Exhibited artwork may be sold through the Edward Hopper House Museum Store and online via ArtCall. Sales are taxable, and Edward Hopper House will receive 35% commission on in-house and online sales during the exhibition.
Artist Entry: Exhibitors must be current Members at the Artist ($70), Friend ($150) or Patron ($350) levels through June 2025, and 18+ years of age.
- Registration & Applications: As an Open Call exhibition, Edward Hopper House will accept applications and the 50 featured artists will be accepted on a first come first serve basis and upon general review of work for suitability of installation and public display. Artist Members who exhibited in the Spring 2024 exhibit are invited to register and submit work, however, priority will be given to those artists who did not exhibit in the Spring 2024 Artist Member show.
- Number of Works: Each artist may enter one (1) work which has not yet been exhibited at the Edward Hopper House. (You may NOT substitute another piece for registered work.)
- Media: Wall mounted oil, acrylic, watercolor, mixed-media (please list materials), graphics, drawing, photography, and small-scale sculpture. Giclée prints of original artwork are not allowed, nor are crafts, pottery, or large freestanding sculpture due to space limitations.
- Size: Works are to be wall-mounted and no larger than 30" H x 30" W x 2" D, and sculptures 24" H x 24" W x 5". The work cannot exceed 30 pounds. All work must be framed and/or ready for installation sculpture require provided pedestals and framed works are to be mounted hanging hardware and wire. Works without any or appropriate hanging hardware will not be included in the exhibition, nor will any wet paintings or work requiring special installation or handling. These limitations are strictly enforced.
- Online Registration (deadline Friday, April 18, 11:59p ): via Artcall.org here https://edwardhopperhousemuseumartistmembers.artcall.org/current-calls-for-entry
- Registration Fee:: $25 Entry Fee due upon registering and submitting your work on Artcall.org. Entry fees help defray costs of exhibit management. (If you register after the show is filled, you will be refunded your registration fee in full.)
- Artwork Image: Provide a high resolution .jpg (300dpi; around 1000 x 1000px) of your work for use on our website, social media, and press. Please photograph the work with a white/gray background. Images are uploaded via the online registration portal.
- Transport: The artist is responsible for providing shipping, packaging, and postal insurance to, and from, Edward Hopper House.
- All registered work must be packaged and brought to and picked up from Edward Hopper House during the designated dates/times. Artwork will not be accepted before or after these dates. (Any arrangements must be made in advance with, and approved by, Edward Hopper House for any works delivered and returned by UPS, Fedex, or USPS. Prepaid shipping labels will be required.)
- Affix the ARTCALL identification label. Carefully affix the label (to be removed) lightly to the verso (back) of the work and to the outside of the wrapping for delivery to Edward Hopper House.
- Edward Hopper House is unable to store or hold any work for any time, and will not be responsible for any loss or damage after the pick-up periods. Artists will be charged $20 for EACH day work is not picked up.
- Edward Hopper House Museum will not insure work or be responsible for loss or damage. Your signature upon delivery and at pick-up releases Edward Hopper House from responsibility from losses.
- If you prefer, you may retain your own insurance. You, the artist, will maintain personal insurance, and hold harmless the Edward Hopper House and its board members for any and all possible damages that may occur during the time period of your exhibition at the location stated. The artist accepts the risks involved and maintains that their own insurance is sufficient coverage. Should Edward Hopper House be subject to accruing a loss for any damages to the walls and space provided, the artist will accept and pay the charge as provided by Edward Hopper House contractor of choice.
Thank you for your support of Edward Hopper House as an Artist Member!
Your Online Registration indicates understanding and acceptance of this Agreement.
Thank you for your support!
This call has agreed to ArtCall.org
Terms & Conditions